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르브론 7

출시정보 : 2020년 5월 17일 오전 10시
2019-2020 미디어 데이(Media day)에 처음 그 모습을 드러낸 아이코닉한 르브론 7이 새로운 퍼플 & 골드 컬러웨이로 귀환합니다. 팀 헤리티지를 바탕으로 탄생한 이 친숙한 팔레트는 좌우 신발을 각각 대담한 색채로 물들이며, 유니크하고 모던한 감각을 선사합니다. 프리미엄 갑피와 혁신적 에어가 만나 농구 코트부터 도심 속 거리까지, 어디에서든 강렬히 시선을 사로잡습니다.

"ジェリー・ウエスト"、"カリーム・アブドゥル=ジャバー"、"マジック・ジョンソン"、"コービー・ブライアント"…、"ロサンゼルス レイカーズ"に所属したスーパースターのバトンを2018年に受け継いだのは、歴代最高のオールラウンダー、"LEBRON JAMES(レブロン・ジェームズ)"だった。昨シーズンの雪辱を果たすべく、今シーズンはアシストランキングでトップを快走するなど好調なチームを牽引する。
近年復刻を果たした"LEBRON (レブロン 7)"から、2019年のメディアデーで"ジェームズ"本人が着用したことで発売への期待が高まっていた"レイカーズカラー"が登場。伝統の"レイカ―ゴールド"、パープルのキーカラーを、アッパーからソールやシューレースに至るまで全てのパーツを左右非対称に彩色。ビジブルエアユニットにもそれぞれ非対称のカラーでスペックルを施した。バスケットファンからスニーカーコレクターまで、幅広い層から支持を集める"レイカーズカラー"だけに、発売となれば激しい争奪戦が予想される。

Looking back at the last few months, LeBron and his line of Nike signatures have aggressively traveled up and down the timeline, experimenting quite a bit with his newest shape, the 17, while quickly dialing in some older, nostalgic influences not too long thereafter. The athlete’s latest offering, which brings the LeBron 7 back to the spotlight, highlights his relatively new association with the ever-iconic Lakers. Dubbed the “Media Day,” the pair brings its best purple and yellow outfit, alternating the lead between the two from left to right foot. Laces, the inner tongues, and the swooshes’ outlines accent in complement to their respective backdrops, while the midsole as well as the check’s inners depart by way of a true white shade. Treated with a subtle paint speckling along its air bubble, the release is currently set to hit retailers this weekend, May 16th. If you’d like to grab your hands on these, then be sure to check out the LeBron 7 Media Day Store List. In unrelated news, the Ben and Jerry’s Dunk Low drops later this month.

Nike LeBron 7 “Media Day”
Release Date: May 16th, 2020
Color: Court Purple/White/Amarillo
Style Code: CW2300-500 (Men’s) / KRW 239,000 원
Style Code: DA3203-500 (Grade School
Style Code: DA3202-500 (Pre-School)

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