


ANTA KAI 1 “Mother’s Day”
Release Date: May 11, 2024
Price: $125



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UPDATE 5/7/24: This exclusive sneaker, paying tribute to Elizabeth Irving, Kyrie’s mother, will debut solely at Sneaker Room in New Jersey on Saturday, May 11th, 2024, with a price tag of $125. Available in men’s sizes 8-13, it’s not just footwear; it’s a wearable masterpiece commemorating mothers and their enduring impact.

Crafted with elements reflecting Elizabeth’s wisdom and protective aura, the design mirrors the values she imparted to Kyrie, both on and off the court. Adorned with feathers symbolizing Wisdom and Protection, every detail of the shoe embodies the essence of Elizabeth’s influence.

In a homage to Kyrie’s heritage and his profound connection to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, the vibrant colors of the sneaker celebrate the rich history and culture of Native American tribes.


Photos: shuanghuoweiyan

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