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효과없고, 과장없고, 논스톱 촬영입니다. 진실된 리뷰


 이번 에어 조던1은 마이클 조던의 컬러 자체가 도시의 상징이 된 시카고를 기념합니다. 레드와 블랙이 나이키의 대표 컬러였던 1985년, 최초의 에어 조던은 BANNED & CHICAGO 컬러웨이로 그 모습을 드러냈습니다. 절반으로 가른 듯한 모습의 두 가지 컬러로 완성된 이번 모델은 시카고에 대한 뜨거운 애정과 존경을 표현합니다. 이번 시즌, 이 두 가지 컬러로 조던의 홈 시티를 기념하며 여러분을 찾아갑니다.

별명 아수라백작, 공식 이름 HOMAGE TO HOME 통칭 오마주


The Air Jordan 1 “Homage To Home,” a unique split design that draws inspiration from both the “Bred” Jordan 1s and the “Chicago” Jordan 1s, is set to see a full retail release this Saturday after a special Chicago-only version released last month. The two-piece colorway nods to the classic shoes themselves and 1985’s All-Star Weekend in Indianapolis where a rookie Jordan laced up both the “Bred” colorway to match his flight suit for the Slam Dunk Contest and the “Chicago” for the All-Star Game, marking the first and only time he would wear both shoes in a single weekend. He displayed both an air of confidence and an effortless swagger that were typically reserved for long-term NBA veterans, truly cementing his place as the next big thing in the NBA. The shoe is neatly split into two pieces by a long stitch down the middle, with the lateral side featuring all the black and red detailing of the Jordan 1 “Bred,” while the medial side trades the dark aesthetic of the Bred 1s for the “Chicago” Jordan 1’s classic red/white black color palate. A stately white Jordan 1 midsole and red outsole, used on both OG colorways makes for a middle ground that ties the split look together. Check out our comprehensive Where To Buy list for the “Homage To Home” Jordan 1s below for your best chance at getting your hands on a pair of the unique two-piece kicks.



ナイキ エアジョーダン1 レトロ ハイ OG "オマージュ・トゥ・ホーム" ブラック/ホワイト-ユニバーシティ レッド

空を駆けるような"MICHAEL JORDAN(マイケル・ジョーダン)"のプレイスタイルを体現したシグネチャーモデルの"AIR JORDAN 1(エアジョーダン1)"が、1984年にコート上でデビューを果たしてから30年以上が経った。現在もエア ジョーダンシリーズは進化を続け、次々と新しいモデルが登場しているが、このアイコンシューズが歴史を大きく変えたことは間違いない。またファッションアイコンとしてもストリートで圧倒的な支持を受け、世代を超えた人気を博したモデルとなっている。
本作では歴史的な傑作モデル"AIR JORDAN 1"のオリジナルカラーである"CHICAGO"と"BANNED"の2つの配色をミックスした一足となる。"HOMAGE TO HOME(オマージュ・トゥ・ホーム)"と呼ばれ、スニーカーの中央から大胆にスプリット、内外でデザインが異なるユニークなスタイルを実現させた。海外では2,300足限定で先行販売されるモデルと通常販売モデルの2バージョンが存在。限定モデルではヒールタブ部分に"FROM"と"FOR"の文字が入った特別仕様となる(※通常モデルは無地)。一目見たら忘れることのできな存在感抜群の仕上がりは歴代"エアジョーダン1"の中でも上位に入るデザインとなっている。


Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG NRG H2H
Color: Black/White-University Red
Release Date: May 19, 2018
Style Number: 861428-061

Price: $160 / KOR 199,000 WON / 価格は160ドル。

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