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에어 와일드우드 ACG
129,000 원
1989년, 에어 와일드우드 ACG는 궂은 날씨, 거친 지형에도 끝없이 러닝을 이어가는 열정적인 러너들을 위해 탄생했습니다. 30년이 흐른 지금, 오리지널을 거의 완벽하게 재현한 클래식이 마침내 귀환합니다. 이번 컬러웨이는 그레이, 블랙, 레드 악센트로 완성되어 여러분을 찾아갑니다.

Re-joining the Swoosh brand’s burgeoning ACG subsidiary next will be the cult classic Wildwood silhouette, a mid-90s marvel that carries design language ripe with notes that fit into Nike ACG family as well as its revered Sportswear line. Ready for the streets as well as the trail, Wildwood equips a rugged traction pattern as well as a reinforced toebox while boasting an aesthetic that sits somewhere in between that of the Air Max 90 and the Air Max Light. Meant to evoke a sense of nostalgia onto avid ACG followers, Nike is rolling out three new colors of the Wildwood, giving those the option between a primarily white iteration with red and navy flair, and two predominantly black pairs, with one opting to keep it that way and the other calling upon a retro-inspired combo of purple and green. Those looking to add these resurgent Wildwoods to their trail-ready lineup will be able to do so upon their arrival at global ACG stockists in the US on January 24th and Europe on February 21st.

「アウトドアにいるならば、冒険することを阻むものは何もないんだ。」、伝説的なNIKEのデザイナー、"TINKER HATFIELD(ティンカー・ ハットフィールド)"は語った。あらゆる天候、路面の状態に対応すべく、"ALL CONDITONS GEAR(オール・コンディションズ・ギア)"はスタートした。「アウトドアとは、その環境を楽しみ、自身の限界に向き合うことだ。それこそが、過酷な冒険に耐えるプロダクトをデザインすることへと通じる。」、という思いが、"A.C.G."を作り上げたのだ。30年かけて進化を続ける、"A.C.G."のオリジンとも言える1足だ。1989年に復刻を遂げて以来コンスタントにリリースされている人気作がニューカラーで登場する。

No effect, no exaggeration, non-stop shooting. True Reviews
日本語説明は下にあります。/ The English description is bottom
효과없고, 과장없고, 논스톱 촬영입니다. 진실된 리뷰


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