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1982년 탄생한 나이키 에어포스 1은 이후 수십 년간 농구장과 거리의 경계를 넘나들며 결국 하나의 트렌드에서 국제적인 스타일 아이콘으로 발전했습니다. 시대에 따라 변화하는 아이콘답게 에어 포스 1은 독특한 특징은 유지하면서 끊임없는 변화를 거듭했습니다. 새로운 나이키 에어 포스 1 X 콜린 캐퍼닉은 운동선수의 신념과 그의 True to 7 스토리텔링에서 영감을 받았습니다. 우아한 검정 가죽 갑피는 리플렉티브 스우시와 흰색과 검은색의 액센트로 더 특별해 보입니다. 또한 힐 탭의 캐퍼닉 이미지, 설포에 있는 그의 시그니처 로고, 안감의 패턴 그리고 7번 택과 같은 여러 그래픽이 더해져 있습니다.

Traversing through the controversy with each step — and unwavering in his efforts to make use of his talent — Colin Kaepernick‘s name still travels with power, holding with it the impact and memory of his protest against police violence. And though many were quick to anger, the former 49ers quarterback remains a hero in the eyes of many, Nike included. And after starring in their “Just Do It” campaign nearly a year ago, the partnership seemed all but over, yet, just moments prior to the start of 2020, the two revealed an Air Force 1 dressed up to commemorate the athlete and his defining moments thus far under a “True To 7” namesake. Aesthetically, the pair bears a palette relatively unassuming, pushing a monochromatic coloring with black and white gradients along the swoosh. Next to luxe leather and a seemingly all too simple kit, the pair subtly embellishes with Kaepernick’s face just at the heel and his optically illusory lettered logo along the tongue; elsewhere, just behind the icy blue tread, the date of his first kneel lies in boldface text, a detail hidden much like the two pieces of insignia along the inside. Grab a good look at these right here, and if you’re looking to get a head start on the release, pairs will be arriving early exclusively at Nike SNKRS tomorrow, December 23; the global launch, however, is still slated for December 28th.

"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.(信じろ。たとえ全てを犠牲にしたとしても。)"、NIKEはサンフランシスコの街に、1人のNFLプレイヤーの写真と共に、一節のメッセージを添えて巨大な広告を掲げた。2016年8月26日、NFLサンフランシスコ49ersに所属していたクォーターバック、"COLIN KAEPERNICK(コリン・キャパニック)"はプレシーズンマッチの国歌斉唱の際、人種差別への抗議の意味を込めベンチから立ち上がらずにたたずんでいた。シーズン終了後フリーエージェントとなったキャパニックと契約するチームはなく、NFLや32のチームから事実上追法されてしまったまま3年が過ぎている。
白人の養父母の元で育てられ、高校時代のGPA(4段階の成績評価)はオール4、野球でも150km/hを超える速球を投げ、シカゴ・カブスにドラフトされるなどあふれる才能を持つキャパニックが選んだのは、自らの信念を貫くいばらの道だった。NIKEは彼の行動を称えて1足の、"AIR FORCE 1(エアフォース 1)"をデザイン。ブラックをベースとしたカラーは黒人であることの誇りを示したものと思われる。シュータンにはイニシャルの、"K"、ヒールタブには彼の特徴的なアフロヘアーのイラストが描かれる。単なるシグニチャーの意味を超えた、強いメッセージを秘めた1足と言えよう。

Colin Kaepernick x Nike Air Force 1 “True To 7”
SNKRS Release Date: December 23rd, 2019
Global Release Date: December 28th, 2019
$110 USD / KRW 149,000 WON / 価格は13,200円(税込)

Style Code: CQ0493-001

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No effect, no exaggeration, non-stop shooting. True Reviews
日本語説明は下にあります。/ The English description is bottom
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