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효과없고, 과장없고, 논스톱 촬영입니다. 진실된 리뷰
NIKE LAB과 아크로님의 공동 창립자 에롤슨 휴 힘을 합쳐 전례없는 형태로 오리지널을 유니크하게 재현합니다. 미래지향적 아이디어에서 영감을 얻은 이 모델은 자신을 강렬하게 드러내고자 하는 이들을 위해 기술적으로 업그레이드 되었습니다.
The entirety of the upcoming ACRONYM x Nike Presto Mid has been revealed, showcasing a trio of jawdroppers that’ll surely have fans of the label’s previous collaborations in a frenzy. Combining elements of their two prized designs with the Swoosh, ACRONYM welcomes graphic prints on the toe-cap and the heel counter of the Presto that mimic the designs seen on the earlier Vapormax Moc 2. The construction remains consistent with their highly celebrated Presto Mid iterations, a creation that deserves more credit for opening the doors to the current wave of modifying footwear. Currently, a release date for September 20th has been set, so stay tuned for an official announcement from the brand.
In 2016, a modified Nike Air Presto created with ACRONYM’s Errolson Hugh revealed the true potential of a collaboration that went beyond the traditional color/material selection. Keeping the soul of Presto intact, Hugh added an ankle collar with a lateral zipper for easy wear and several overlay designs to give the model a true new identity. With its three colorway options, the ACRONYM x Nike Presto was deemed by many as the best sneaker of the year, and in 2018 this masterpiece is ready to return with some new twists. This time around, Errolson adds new graphic patterns that utilize three takes on a twisted “A” logo camouflage print, all on a new trio of color options. After a surprise release on the Nike SNKRS App on August 30th, the entire set is confirmed to release on September 20th on Nike SNKRS, ACRONYM, and select retailers worldwide. Stay tuned for full release details.
既存の美しさを残しながら、機能的なエッセンスを落としこんで新境地を切り拓くコラボレーションモデルを生み出しているデザイナーの"ERROLSON HUGH(エロルソン・ヒュー)"。彼が率いるドイツのブランド"ACRONYM(アクロニウム)"と"NIKE(ナイキ)"は古典的なスタイルを打ち壊す独創的なアイディアで様々なスニーカーをアレンジしてきた。再びタッグを組んで2016年にリリースされた"AIR PRESTO MID(エアプレスト ミッド)"の新色を展開するようだ。オリジナルの"AIR PRESTO(エア プレスト)"のアッパー素材やソールユニットを継承しながら、新たに履き口をのミッドカットに再設計することで未来的なシルエットへ。空手からヒントを得た補強テープや踵にダブルジッパーを取り付けることでギア感あふれるデザインへ昇華。積極的に素材やパーツを付けくわえていくことで、機能性とオリジナリティの2つを手に入れることに成功した。2018年の新色では鮮やかなレーサーピンクとフォトブルーで彩ったカラーをはじめ、ホワイト・ブラック・イエローで存在感ある配色、クールグレーとブラックのシックな色合いも用意されている。現段階ではカラーコードから制作されたイメージ画像が登場。おそらく近日中に現物写真も公開されるはずだ。
ACRONYM x Nike Presto Mid
Release Date: September 20th, 2018
USD $200/ SOUTH KOREA 239,000 WON / 価格は25,920円
Style Code: AH7832-001
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